Sunday, August 7, 2022

Introduction to Organizational Learning and Development



     Learning and development is the process that builds focused employees with knowledge and skills to meet up organizational needs. It involves facilitating staff to gain knowledge and skills through experience (Armstrong, 2014, p.284). If any organization or individual expects to develop themselves, learning becomes the way forward. Learning and development is the closest way to “capturing the desired vision of shared endeavor” (Harrison, 2005, p.5). Having a skilled, knowledgeable, and developing workforce is the goal of all organizations. Human resource plays a vital role in the development of any Organization. Therefore organizations should focus on continuous improvement of every employee concerning their social values, behavior, different perceptions, and personalities. Organizations should focus on specifics of their employees to set SMART goals for continuous learning and development (Vnoučková, 2013). 

Components of Learning and Development 

    Armstrong and Taylor (2014) have identified four key components that need to be focused upon in the staff learning and development process. They are as below,


    The process by which a person learns to improves their knowledge, talents, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. It includes both more formal techniques for assisting people to learn in or outside of the workplace and the improvement of behavior via experience (Armstrong, 2014, p.284). Or could be defined as “Process by which relatively permanent change occurs in behavioral potential as a result of experience” (Anderson, 1995 cited in Dierkes et al, 2003)     


    The processes improve or understand a person’s capabilities and perspective through the provision of learning and educational experiences (Armstrong, 2014, p.284). Furthermore, employee development refers to the process of enhancing both an individual employee's and an organization's capabilities. As a result, employee development encompasses both an individual employee's growth and total human capital development. When employees of an organization enhance the organization, the organization will thrive more and employee efficiency will rise (Elena, 2000 cited in Hameed and waheed, 2011).


    The formal process that is implemented by organizations to increase their employees work related knowledge and skills. The organizational expectation is to create a work force capable of performing their duties according to the required standards (Armstrong, 2014, p.284). Organizations benefit significantly from training because it improves operational effectiveness by raising intellectual capital levels. Additionally, it is asserted that training within firms produces devoted personnel, a resource that is more important than any other (Jex & Britt, 2008 Cited in Bulut and Culha, 2010).


    The organizational practice improves individual capabilities, values, and knowledge with the understanding of every aspect of life beyond the working environment (Armstrong, 2014, p.284). According to Dubois (1967) education allows a person to understand the contras between future goals and current status.


Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice (13th ed). Kugan page limited.(Online).Available at Accessed on July 28, 2022.

Bulut, C. and Culha, O. (2010) “The effects of organizational training on organizational commitment,” International Journal of Training and Development . Blackwell Publishing Ltd 14(4) p.310. (online). Available at: Accessed on July 30, 2022.

Dierkes, M., Antal, A., Child , J. and Nanaka, I. (2003) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge. Oxford university press. UK (online). Available at: Accessed on July 30, 2022.

Dubois, E. A. C. (1967) THE CASE FOREMPLOYEE EDUCATION. American Management Association Inc. p. 3 (Online).  Available at:  Accessed on July 28, 2022.

Harrison, R. (2005) Learning and Development (4th ed.). The chartered institute of personnel and development, London. (Online). Available at: .Accessed on July 31, 2022.

Krishnan, K. (2022)Workplace learning and development-how to plan it right. Apty(Online). Available at: Accessed on August 02, 2022.

 Vnoučková, L. (2013) Employee learning and development in organizations. Journal on Efficiency and responsibility in Education and Science, 6(3), pp. 179-89. (online). Available at: Accessed on July 28, 2022.



1 comment:

  1. Employee education is critical not only for enterprises, but also for a country's macroeconomic performance. An educated and trained workforce is critical for the efficient operation of an economy, a government's competitiveness and wealth, and the overall well-being of society. Training is the systematic alteration of behavior through learning that occurs as a result of instruction, education, development, and planned experience (Bakan, 2000).


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