Monday, August 15, 2022

The Kolb’s learning cycle

         Kolb D A, Rubin I M, and McIntyre J M in the year 1974 discovered a learning cycle containing four stages (Armstrong, 2014). Kolb describes effective learning as a set of interconnected events that combine the abilities to feel, perceive, think, and act. The Four steps learners need to complete in the learning cycle are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation (Nilson, 2010). To completely understand a subject, the learner must complete the learning cycle. Accessing multiple entry points enhances the ability to engage the subject matter (Richlin, 2006). 

Figure 01: Kolb’s learning cycle

 Source: (Armstrong, 2014)

Figure 01 shows the four steps of Kolb's learning cycle. The four steps are defined below.

1.    Concrete Experience

         Concrete experience is the first phase of the learning cycle and could be a planned or accidental exposure (Armstrong, 2014). The learner will directly involve themselves in a new experience and take a feel of the activity (Nilson, 2010).

2.   Reflective observation

        Reflective observation is thinking consciously about the experience and its importance (Armstrong, 2014). According to Nilson (2010), "when individuals observe others and reflect on their own and other's experience they proceed to reflective observation”. 

   3.    Abstract conceptualization 

         Utilizing experience to build a variety of notions and ideas that can be applied in similar situations is abstract conceptualization (Armstrong, 2014). According to Nilson (2010), the logical incorporation of observations and perceptions into theories is considered abstract conceptualization.

.   4.    Active experiment

    Appling newly developed theories in new situations reflect active experimentation (Armstrong, 2014). Therefore fresh concepts will aid in making decisions to address new problems effectively (Nilson, 2010).

Let’s elaborate the Kolb’s learning cycle using the experiential learning process of a trainee cashier working in a bank as an illustration. When a cashier is attached to cash counters to perform transactions and handle customers, he feels the activity by actually doing it. With that, he enters the first step of the learning cycle, which is Concrete experience. While performing duties, he will mindfully observe the mistakes and deviations in his process and make notes of them. With that, he enters the second step of the learning cycle. That is Reflective observation. After identifying errors, he will analyze mistakes he made and develop a set of ideas and practices that could be applied in similar situations. By that, he proceeds to the third step of the learning cycle. That is Abstract conceptualization. When he applies the ideas and concepts he originated in practical situations to overcome failures, he reaches the fourth stage of the learning cycle. That is Active experimentation. Experimentation leads to new experiences and with that concrete experience, his journey around the learning cycle will continue developing his subject knowledge.

Video 01: Kolb's Reflective Cycle in 3 minutes

Source: (Reynolds, 2013)

In this video, Dr. Cheryl Reynolds simplifies Kolb's learning cycle using the steps followed in teaching as an example for a better understanding of the theory. 


Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice (13th ed). Kugan page limited.(Online).Available at: Accessed on July 28, 2022.

Nilson, L. B. (2010) Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors. (3rd ed). Jossey-bass a wiley imprint. USA. (Online). Available at:'s%20learning%20cycle&f=false. Accessed on August 11, 2022.

Richlin, L (2006) Blueprint for Learning: Constructing College Courses to Facilitate, Assess, and Document Learning (1st ed). Stylus publishing LLC. Sterling, Virginia. (online). Available at:'s%20learning%20cycle&f=false. Accessed on August 13, 2022.

Reynolds, C (2013) The 3 Minute Kolb: Kolb's Reflective Cycle in 3 minutes. (Video). Available at: Accessed on August 13, 2022.



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